Yoga teacher,

Natural Therapist and

Movement Specialist

Elle Dainney

Elenore discovered the healing and transformative power that yoga would have on her life more than 20 years ago. Whilst she was studying Naturopathy, she saw a flyer on the noticeboard to train as a yoga teacher. “Why not?’ she thought. Little did she know it would transform her and the way she viewed and experienced life. As Elenore delved into the 12-month journey of yoga teacher training, a once highly-strung young woman and mother found a practice that started to unravel the threads that were holding her so tight. As time went on, with more yoga teacher trainings around the world and continued practice, Elle finally felt she had embodied her learnings enough to share and teach them to others. The trajectory of her life had changed forever. Her professional learning and teaching continues in the healing arts of touch through massage and deep rest and nourishment to the nervous system through yin and guided relaxation methods.

Elenore’s approach to yoga remains forever focused on creating spaces and opportunities to take deep rest from the world and turn inwards to feel. Her classes focus on nourishment and rest through yin yoga - floor-based long-held poses to enhance our ability to sense our way back into our breath, bodies and hearts.

Elenore will not only be offering her deeply immersive yin sessions here with us at Synchronised Psychology & Healing Therapies, but will also be combining the art of healing touch and the magic of yin in small group sessions and private yin and massage sessions.

Please go to our Events page to book for Yin Immersion or Yin Massage small group sessions or contact Elle directly on 0433268144 to book a private healing massage - $150 for 75 minutes.